Presumed Identity

Little girl sticking her tongue outLucy asked, “Doesn’t the fact that my mind is always creating this identity, doling out these warnings and fears, mean there must be something to them? Why else would my mind go there so often?”

“What if it’s just the opposite?” I asked back. “If fear and insecurity are innately, deeply who-you-are, why would your mind need to remind you all the time? Your mind doesn’t go around repeating other ‘truths’ to you, does it? It doesn’t need to remind you all the time what your name is or how gravity works.

“Your mind is like a habitual, repetitive machine. What if these thoughts and feelings are just the workings of that machine? They seem pretty mechanical, don’t they?”

As she saw beyond what she had always believed, she was blown away. Had this whole “insecure Lucy” thing really been a mind-created identity that was never as true or solid as it appeared? 

Could it be nothing more than the result of some simple misunderstandings about who-she-was and how minds work?

-Excerpt from Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind. Available for pre-order now.

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