EP218: Seeing ADHD through a much wider lens

Lisa Inlow is a Change Coach who–now, more than ever–is thriving with ADHD.

As is often the case with diagnoses, it was initially a relief to Lisa to have an explanation for some of the things she struggled with. Then, as her relief began to fade, she sometimes felt boxed in by her label. 

All of this has changed significantly as she’s explored the understanding we share. Lisa now sees that it’s not up to her to figure life out based on what her mind is saying. She sees that life moves her forward–she doesn’t need to sort through a busy mind and take everything upon herself.  

She sees that much of her past struggle came from her mind telling horrible stories about her future. Lisa deeply sees that there is no future, so those stories no longer have much impact. 

Listen in as she shares how much quieter her mind is now, along with her insights around ADHD and her experience of anxiety. 

Lisa is a Change Coach who helps people with anxiety, depression, and also seeing labels like ADHD in a new way. If you’re struggling with any of these issues, I highly recommend talking with her:  www.forwardwithease.com

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