EP229: Ending the war with your body with Kristina Bruce

Kristina Bruce can help you stop hating your body. She helps people see that their body is not the problem…their conditioning is. 

Kristina says, “Please realize that the amount of conditioning you have experienced to hate fat is the cause of so much dislike about your body, not your body itself.”


In this conversation, Kristina shares how she went from trying to micromanage her body size and the pain that caused, and how she has come to feel at peace with her body at the size it wants to be. 

We discuss the cycle of positive attention and approval due to weight loss to feeling like a slave trying to maintain that weight loss. When the pain of this cycle is great enough, we may look toward acceptance and finally leave dieting and judgment aside. 

We talk about the very messy, emotional process of stopping dieting and how, on the other side of that messiness, is enormous freedom. We talk about the misunderstanding that there is a causal relationship between weight and health, and so much more.

Kristina’s passion for, and knowledge about, this topic shines through the minute she starts talking. If you feel anything less than complete peace with your body, please tune into this episode. You won’t be sorry.

You can learn more about Kristina at https://www.kristinabruce.com and on Instagram @kristinabrucecoach

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