A Freaky but Helpful Statistic about the Mind

a woman with a happy expression and a projector next to her, eating popcorn, and appearing to be watching a movie

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott


I heard a statistic the other day that 95% of the thoughts we had yesterday, we will have today!!


I’m not sure how this has been measured but it certainly feels true to me. No wonder that we all struggle with habits, addictions, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, stress, anxiety etc, if the same ‘ole thoughts keep on showing up.


The good news is that it makes even more sense NOT to believe those thoughts about ourselves and others that we have literally heard a million times before. Read that stat again and let the implication of this absorb into your consciousness…


95% of what we thought yesterday we will think today.


It’s pretty much the same ‘film’ playing each day in our minds, giving us the same experience of life. It’s such a relief to truly know that you don’t have to believe, or pay attention to, ANY of that old, worn out thinking. It’s simply a broken record that can play in the background while we get on with our lives. The more deeply we see how the mind works, the more freedom we experience around this, and we become able to not take our thinking seriously at all.


See more from Lindsey here: www.lindseyelliott.co.uk/


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