EP295: The Fundamental Exploration of Identity

In this episode I have an amazing conversation with Dr. Kathleen Perry about the most important exploration: Who am I?

Kathleen shares how being curious about identity is fundamental to everything we’re up to and everything we’re up against. Nothing shifts the way life looks and feels the way an exploration of identity can.

Kathleen discusses her own identity shifts, particularly when her husband died a few years ago. Her experience sheds so much light on how identity operates in mysterious, sometimes subtle ways.

We also talk about how identities seem to crack and break open (like it or not) around certain life events and at a certain age. 

At the end, Kathleen talks about her passion for supporting women as they explore identity in the context of what they are wanting to create or change in life. 

She’s offering a totally free masterclass on this topic on April 16th. You can register here.

I highly recommend you check it out!


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