Category: Awareness

From Nothing, Something. (One of my huge a-ha moments)

Who are you, really? I think it’s a pretty safe bet that if you find yourself reading these words right now, you see yourself as something much bigger than a collection of blood and guts and skin and hair. You’re obviously not your body.It’s probably just as likely that you don’t view yourself as your

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Want to get Lucky? Here’s how.

Things happen to us that we can’t control. All the time.But we do have some control over what we bring to the table: how we prepare, our qualities, our attitude. And we do have some control over how we respond to those chance things that happen to us.It’s like the old joke about the guy

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Life With no Memory

I heard a story about a guy who had no long-term memory and very little short-term memory. He kept a journal. By the time he wrote in his journal each night, he had pretty much forgotten everything that had happened that day. He was living in a perpetual state of present moment awareness.As it turns

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A Story About Presence

Traveling with children is totally enlightening. I live largely in my thinking.This is my experience: Thinking…“We have three, maybe four hours between wake up time and time for Miller’s first nap.  Two to three hours once you factor in breakfast and baths.What should we do?We should go to the beach. Will it be warm enough

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What to do With the Pain. (Our True Nature).

When our thoughts drift to- and fixate on- horrible events in the world, we hurt.  If you pay attention, you’ll notice that your thoughts will also drift away from those things and you don’t hurt in those moments.  Even in the middle of unspeakable pain, thoughts part like the clouds and the sun peaks out

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Spinning Through Outer Space

In his book The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says something so obviously simple and true that it’s been messing with my head ever since.  (Truth is astonishingly simple. Always.) He says we’re sitting on a planet spinning through outer space.Oh yeah!  I forgot. Did you?Maybe it’s partly my line of work, but I see people

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Yes, you can Change the Past.

I know for sure that the past can change. Your experience of life—past, present, future—comes from what you are thinking in any given moment.In the world of form…where things are solid and objective events go down in the books, I suppose the past is not easily changed.But in the world of experience (which, let’s face

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Gratitude for Being Human

Here’s what I’m grateful for right now: being human.The whole of it. Everything that being human entails. I used to think being human kind of sucked most of the time. With our habitual patterns that run on auto-pilot and our irrationally fearful thoughts and our unpredictable emotions.Human-ness felt like a big hassle. I would fantasize

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How to Drop the Extra (Mental) Weight

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” -Thich Nhat HanhMost people I know are carrying extra weight—and I’m not talking about gaining a few pounds.  I’m talking about the mental and emotional weight we lug around with us. We carry it everywhere—like a backpack full of bricks—and it weighs

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Conducting the Symphony of Shoulds

I recently spent an entire week writing down all my thoughts that began with the words “I should”. I went through a lot of paper.Some were blatantly obvious. They flowed from my head and straight out of my mouth, like when I told hubby, “I should be working, it’s almost 9am” as we cleaned up

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