Category: The Nature of Thought

Do you Know Your Life Purpose?

Here’s a question for you: Do you believe we all have a life purpose? Something we’re meant to be doing in the world? Now answer this: How does that feel?My guess is that how it feels depends on whether you believe you’re living yours or not.When you believe we all have a life purpose, and

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Whose Opinion do you Trust?

Whose opinion do you trust? When all those outside opinions of  you are screaming in your head, which one is loudest? Which carries the most weight?  Which one do you believe over the others?buy vardenafil online buy vardenafil no prescription no prescriptionThe voice that sounds most assertive or confident?buy clomiphene online buy clomiphene no prescription

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Just Because you can Doesn’t Mean you Should

Here’s something I’ve been re-learning lately: Just because I can doesn’t mean I should.  Just because I can get up to exercise at 6 every morning does not mean I should.Just because I can work until midnight does not mean I should.Let this be the new anthem of the good-girl. The perfectionist, over-achiever, must-do-more junkie:

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How to be More Consistent

A client recently asked for some motivation. Specifically, she wanted to be motivated to consistently take some actions that she was currently being inconsistent about.Even more specific…how ‘bout I just tell you exactly what she said?Client:“I exercise sporadically, I make efforts towards finding a new job sporadically, I take care of my needs sporadically. I

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How You are Using your Creative Super-Powers Against Yourself

My clients are sooo creative. They are inventors, and authors, and incredible artists. online pharmacy no prescription They are experts at using metaphor and rich, visual imagery to tell the most detailed and believable stories. online pharmacy no prescription What’s really impressive is they don’t even realize they are doing it.One client recently

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The Importance of an Empty Future

What’s in your future? Hopefully, not much. When your future is empty—as in wide open, blue ocean, blank slate—you’re sitting pretty to put whatever you want there.Most of us do not have an empty future. Most of us have a jam-packed future. Do you know what it’s full of?The past.We drag all sorts of stuff

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If Your Mind was a Swimming Pool…

I have a favorite new visual for calming my mind and getting to the “bottom” of things.Like the bottom of a swimming pool, actually…It’s calm at the bottom of things. The trick is keeping the waves down so that you can notice the calm.Can you float on the surface all still and quiet-like? Sounds relaxing,

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A New Form of Suffering-Repellent

I’ve found a practice that is suffering-repellent. Be like water. That’s how Wayne Dyer puts it. DO be fluid and easy and fill in the cracks; DON’T be firm and rigid and unyielding.Yield.Don’t concretize and solidify your thoughts. That’s how Pema Chodron puts it.  Soften around your thoughts, don’t harden around them.Be soft. The ego

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The Whole Picture? Or Mentally Myopic?

Things often seem really dire when you’re up close.  Like when you’re pregnant and sweaty and starving and you think your husband looked a little too long at a hot, un-pregnant woman on the street.When you accuse him of not loving you anymore, you’re looking at the situation a little too close up.  Just like

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All Anxiety is Just one Thing

I’m beginning to think all anxiety in life comes from wanting to control things. online pharmacy no prescription   Me and anxiety are pretty tight. I’ve been on all sides: coaching hundreds of people through it, coaching myself through it, and before all that, being home-bound and debilitated from it.And my decades of “research”

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