The Observer Comes to Class

Close-up sideways view of a woman's eye as if observing

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Wendy Healy


Sometimes I get a glimpse of the “Observer,” where two worlds connect and I get a real sense that there is something else running this thing called Life…


Today the Observer is fully enjoying watching me teach Aqua class. I can feel her there, floating somewhere over my shoulder, and she’s incredibly amused.


I’m in my zone, immersed in my “Mind” given talent. (Substitute “God” there if you like).


It’s a “flow” state where all other thought drops away and nothing else exists but “this”.


I’ve entered some other dimension.


I’m as surprised as the class is at what comes out. Of course I follow a rough outline, I know the order that things should be done, but things tend to insert themselves right in the middle of the routine, sliding in naturally as if they are next in line. I can hear the music playing through the water and the lines of separation blur, everything becomes one.


The routine runs seemingly all by itself, I don’t need to think about it. I know if I had to write it out I wouldn’t be able to.


I seem to watch it all happen from somewhere inside me, but yet outside and above. The Observer is everywhere, and it is ME.


“I”, the human me, am not making this happen. The music plays on, tempo rising and falling and I’m one step ahead, being guided by Universal Mind. I know I can count on this energy to be there, to show up when called upon, but not a minute too soon.


An hour before, I was struggling with the alarm clock. It seems getting up to the first alarm is NOT a talent of mine. Hitting the third snooze, Human me wasn’t too sure that she’d be able to pull this off today.


The show must go on.


“Trust it,” I think now as I hit the power button on the stereo.


The music turns on and “I“ step aside.


The Me connected to Universal Mind steps up and steps in. She’s got this. Human me takes a back seat to enjoy the ride, again and again without fail, every single day. “Great class!” they say.


I’m not sure I can take the credit, but I thank them anyway, as the energy goes back to where it came from and I’m just regular me again.


The Observer watches me get in my car and go home, but this time I don’t notice her. Regular world thoughts start to fade back in, but as they do, I take note of a comfortable Peace that is still floating over my shoulder, just waiting to be called upon again whenever I need her.


This I can count on.


Someone I really admire once said to me, “This may sound conceited, but it’s not. It’s fact.”


I was lucky enough to witness her talent in action as a participant and was drawn to the energy so much that it encouraged and inspired me to develop my own.


The fact is, we all have a talent. Something uniquely us that comes out of the formless and appears as form. Something great.


Share it with the world, and the return is more than you could ever imagine.


If you think you don’t have it inside you, then you’ve been mistakenly listening to the wrong voice. If what you hear inside your head doesn’t produce a good feeling, then pass it by. Listen a little more closely at what wants to be created. The thing that makes you stand back and watch yourself in awe and reminds you of who you really are.


Get out of the way and discover wants to be seen, then show others your unique talents so they can find theirs.


Side note- At the same time I’m teaching Aqua kickbox in the pool, upstairs, my Mentor is teaching regular kickbox. We most likely are in sync like we used to be when we would exercise side by side in the same room, and she looked at me one day and asked me if I wanted a job…


See more about Wendy here:


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