EP296: Why you’re absolutely guaranteed to get what’s perfect for you

We’re always getting what we most need because what we “get” is our own projection. 

It’s a projection from and as an insecure identity. That’s what our triggers are – the areas where the self we take ourselves to be feels threatened and insecure.

This is why it seems that we are victimized by the same recurring patterns over and over. We are, but we aren’t victimized by other people or a cruel universe that keeps punishing us. We’re seeing our own insecure identity over and over so that we can move through it. 

So that we can finally see it for what it is. 

In this episode, I share a personal example and one from a client that shows how this plays out. It couldn’t be a more perfect system. Anything needing to be “healed” arises, over and over, to be healed. 


Join me for a brand new 6-week course called Exploring the Me-And-My-Life Perspective.

We’ll examine how Me-And-My-Life is a point of view we’re conditioned into; a point of view that posits there is a “me”, separate from life, “having a life”.  

There are many fascinating aspects of this perspective that we’ll explore–such as evidence for a separate me, choice and doership, other people, and fully immersing in the senses as a way to explore the Me-And-My-Life point of view. 

We’ll explore in a small group, with video lessons, group calls, and a private forum. 

Go to https://dramyjohnson.com/meandmylife to see all the details. As a bonus, I’m giving away a private one hour coaching session to the first few people who register!  I hope to see you there!

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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