EP319: Stop believing thoughts (and there are no “intrusive” ones)

Let’s have a serious talk.

Thoughts are not true. Honestly, how in the world could they be? How could a formless blip of energy with some untouchable, vague images or memories or words, know about ‘you’ or the future?

Thought is what creates the imaginary idea of a future. There isn’t a future known by thought.

It doesn’t take much looking to really see that thought can’t possibly be true. It contradicts itself all the time. It repeats itself over a lifetime is essentially a reflection or echo of other thoughts and sensory impressions.

Just look, along with me in this episode, at the logic. It’s very, very clear when you begin to look.

I share a portion of an email from a woman who has “intrusive thoughts” about hurting herself as a way to explore how thought can’t possibly be true. And I challenge you to debate both sides of the coin and see for yourself.  


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