I’m not a guarded person or a person who loves control.
I’m not a high achiever or a modest achiever or any kind of achiever.
Thought that was consistent with some of those qualities moved through me in the past, and I identified with it and acted accordingly. But that no longer looks personal.
We might say that was part of my personality, but even my personality doesn’t look personal. It’s the way energy manifested through me. A different manifestation of energy in any given moment would create different thought, different behavior, and different personality characteristics.
What we call personality is, in large part, us living out our mind’s old protective strategies because we don’t see another option. But it was never us.
Personality is like a mask we wear. You can wear the same mask for most of your life, but it’s still a mask.
– Excerpt from Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind. Available now.
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