Category: Relationships

Life After Birthday Parties

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Kelly O’Connell It all started when I crammed my daughter, her dorm gear, and my game face into my sedan and drove the short 45 minutes to Salve Regina University. After a nervous and quite prolonged drop-off, I headed home. When I turned the last corner toward my house,

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Subtraction, Not Addition

Continue to see thought for what it is. It’s the always-on narrator in your mind that is very opinionated and full of problems and solutions. But that narrator is not you and the narration is not the truth.  There is a healthy, happy, free space beyond the narration. There is an awareness or space within which

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We’ve Had It Backwards

Deep, lasting change happens when we see things in a brand new way.  As I wrote in The Little Book of Big Change, the kind of deep, lasting change we all want isn’t dependent on willpower, daily practices, or hard work.  It happens by insight. Insight, “a sight from within”, is simply a brand new way of

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The Quest To Feel Better

“Feelings don’t want to be healed; they want to be held.” —Jeff Foster “Be curious, not judgmental.” —Ted Lasso Last Thursday, a strong, somewhat nondescript feeling of “ick” pervaded my body. The feeling arose after receiving a comment that wasn’t overtly offensive, but was nonetheless taken as a “hit” to this well-formed ego of mine. The “ick” was

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Spirit + Science

When you combine the spiritual truth that you are perfectly and completely mentally healthy and habit-free (but for your temporary, habitual thinking) with the scientific finding that your habit is made up of thoughts that fade on their own, your habit begins to look far less powerful and stable than it has.When you consider the

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When You Feel Lost – Part Two

Last week I told you about the woman who said she was LOST while in the middle of a lot of big energy. You can read Part One here. “I’m lost” tells the story that she should feel some way other than she does. Something else should be happening. These feelings are wrong and unwelcome. What comes

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We just visited my mother-in-law who has dementia.Her long-term memory is enough that she recognizes us. But she has very little short-term memory, which means she repeats the same few things over and over.She’ll talk about how big the kids are and ask them what they’ve been up to this summer.Then her mind will move

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Love Comes More Naturally than its Opposite

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion.  People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” –Nelson Mandela   I remember giving

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Truth or Turbulence?

Shirley has been a flight attendant for 40 years. When she was very young and new on the job, she was badly hurt in some turbulence. She was afraid to fly for a while after that experience.One day a passenger noticed her fear and asked her about it. She admitted to being afraid and told him

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